Thursday, July 21, 2011

Drinking Tea & Burning Fat

Well I started drinking Nuvo Gene Tea on Monday and today I weight in & I've burned off 4 pounds! Yay me! It's amazing how easy it is. I just pour the tea into my water, pour it over ice & drink it 30 minutes before I eat breakfast. It kind of tastes like a poweraid zero.
I always carry my weight in my belly :~(  I can tell that it is getting flatter!!! It's so frustrating when you starve yourself to death & exercise your butt of with little results. I've felt terrible about myself because of my weight for the past couple of years. This is giving me so much more energy & I'm actually feeling better. I need that to be the best mom I can be. I have enough to worry about so I can't wait to mark this fat off the list! hahaha

If you want to know more about what I'm drinking go to 
It's a great Christian company that is using their success to bless others & show God's mercy around the world.

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